Winrate : 100%

Run time : 26-30s, average 28s

All the stats I use are after Guild bonus, Arena tower, Fight sets etc... Except for Crit Rate since you cannot input 2 leads in SWOP, I prefer to display it without bonus (you obviously need 100% CRIT Rate in the end).

This team is a LATE GAME team and has high rune requirements.








Turn order (display on desktop only, not mobile)

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Boss moves


☠️ Fria

☠️ Elsharion

☠️ ✝️ ROBO-R40

📖 Baleygr

3️⃣ Fran

3️⃣ Sophia

1️⃣/2️⃣ Astar

1️⃣/2️⃣ Loren

2️⃣ Icaru

1️⃣/ 2️⃣ Verdehile

3️⃣ Collen


3️⃣ Baleygr

1️⃣/2️⃣ Jean

<aside> 💔 If the boss go down 50% HP, the jump is triggered at this time


1️⃣/2️⃣ Hwa

1️⃣/3️⃣ Shihwa

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Boss moves


☠️ Fran

☠️ Sophia

☠️ Hwa

☠️ Verdehile

☠️ Shihwa

☠️ ROBO-R40

☠️ Collen

📖 Baleygr

1️⃣/2️⃣ Theomars

2️⃣ Raoq

3️⃣ Purian

3️⃣ Tarq

1️⃣/2️⃣ Astar

1️⃣/2️⃣ Loren

1️⃣ Icaru

3️⃣ Baleygr

1️⃣/2️⃣ Jean

<aside> ✨ Victory !


Note that the animations are not perfectly synchronized, and the use of different skills (or even the first attack of the boss) may cause changes on the flow of the fight.